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  • Australia Travel

    The Ekka

    Can you believe that after six years in Australia and two years of it living in Brisbane, I’ve ONLY just been to the Ekka this year? I decided to go to…

  • Australia Travel

    Roma Street Parkland

    Yesterday we went to visit Roma Street Parkland after admiring all their awesome pics on their Instagram and it was such a delight. Their whole park is absolutely stunning. Here are some…

  • Australia Travel

    Pottique Lavender Farm

    Visiting a Lavender Farm has been on my bucket list since forever. Lucky for me, there’s a Lavender field up in Kingaroy called Pottique Lavender Farm.  So after we’re all finished with…

  • Australia Travel

    Crystal Castle

    During my parent’s visit to the Gold Coast in May, we decided to venture out down south to the New South Wales area to this beautiful place called Crystal Castle in…

  • Australia Travel

    Australia Zoo

    Crikey! During my parent’s visit on the Gold Coast, we ventured out all the way up to Beerwah to see Steven Irwin’s Australia Zoo. This was our first time visit and…

  • Australia Travel

    Chinese Garden of Friendship

    The first time I was in Sydney (back in September 2012), I really wanted to go to the Chinese Garden in Darling Harbour. Unfortunately for me, Hugh Jackman was there filming…

  • Australia Travel

    Sydney Sea Life Adventure

    Last Friday, George and I took a long weekend down south to Sydney. One of the main reason we’re going is to see Pig and Wuru, the orphaned dugongs at Sea…

  • Australia Travel

    Minyon Falls Hiking Trip

    Yesterday, we finally made the trip down south to Nightcap National Park to check out Minyon Falls. Heard about Minyon Falls a little while ago and since then we’ve been stalking…

  • Australia Travel

    A Day At Cabarita Beach

    Last weekend, I was so fortunate to get invited by George’s colleague who is a member of the Cabarita Pony Club down south to come and play at the beach with…