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  • Illustrations Portfolio

    Vulpix – Pokémon

    With all the current hype from Pokemon Go, I’ve been inspired to do another Pokemon zendoodle again. The other day, George and I were out getting dinner and my egg started…

  • Illustrations Portfolio

    The Seahorse

    I learned Scuba Diving in 2012 from my friend, Jason, who is a Scuba Instructor for PADI. One of the most incredible things about scuba diving is learning about what lives beneath…

  • Illustrations Portfolio

    Mega Charizard – Pokemon

    My friends Jaimi and Daniel just got back from Japan and they got me all these amazing goodies 🙂 My Japan goodies My personal favourite, this Pikachu iPhone 6 Case from…

  • Illustrations Portfolio

    The Dugong

    Some of you would have known that I’m a huge dugong fan {and even managed to swim with one at Moreton Island}. So it’s only necessary to draw a doodle of…

  • Illustrations Portfolio

    Border Collie Line Drawing

    Tegan’s (George’s sister) birthday was coming up and I really wanted to draw her a little something. The first thing that came to mind was to draw her a cat illustration.…

  • Illustrations Portfolio

    Dugong Line Drawing

    Some of you would have known that I’m a huge dugong fan {and even managed to swim with one at Moreton Island}. So it’s only necessary to draw a doodle of…

  • Illustrations Portfolio

    Kon – Bleach

    I pretty much got inspired because George got me Rukia’s sword, Sode No Shirayuki. I took a photo of my Kon plush with the sword and pretty much thought to myself…

  • Illustrations Portfolio

    Ninetales – Pokémon

    Continuing on my Pokemon zendoodle series, this is one that I’ve drawn for Ninetales {Vulpix’s evolved form}. This one took a little longer than usual but the outcome turned out great.…