Crikey! During my parent’s visit on the Gold Coast, we ventured out all the way up to Beerwah to see Steven Irwin’s Australia Zoo.
This was our first time visit and was super excited to see the Wildlife Warrior Crocodile Show.
The drive was a bit far, but totally worth it! Australia Zoo was absolutely amazing. The grounds and facilities were really clean and well maintained. I love how they’ve kept Steve’s legacy after all this time.
Here’s our adventure pics:
Home of The Crocodile Hunter
Rhinoceros Iguana
The otters are extremely cute and playful
Probably a better boogy boarder than me
My spirit animal π
Tasmanian Devil… check out how shiny and wet his nose is π
I have a whole new found love for Dingos
Water Dragon
Interesting coloured roo
The birds at the Wildlife Warrior Show
Absolutely amazing
Oh hey there matey!
Mossman the croc… not very good at catching π
Nom nom nom
My favourite animal on land… the Red Panda. It’s too bad he’s hiding up in the trees π This was the only good shot I could get of him.
Ready to meet the tigers
Who says Tigers are scary? π
He wasn’t too happy that I took that photo π
Parts of Elephantasia… too bad the elephants wasn’t there π
Playful tiger cub
The Macaw
The lone giraffe
Zebra butts π
Big rhino and baby rhino
Not sure what bird this is but he’s cute